Head Space For Lease
Head space is the mental room that we house our thoughts, to do lists, future goals, memories, knowledge, and education in. There is a superbly broken record player in this space that often gets stuck on the same song for unlimited amounts of time. This can be a good thing if you are needing to stay focused on a task. This also can be a bad thing if you can’t find a solution and are unable to move forward. Instead of asking yourself, “What’s in your wallet?,” like the well known advertisement for Capital One, ask yourself this. What’s in your head space?
Do you ever have a day where your thoughts just revolve around an offense that has been done to you? That offense replayed again and again takes up residence in your head. Offense is a rude, unruly, and unwelcome tenant. If you ever expect to have peace, you have to set up terms of who or what tenants you lease out your head space to. Cite unruly offense tenants with an eviction notice by forgiving them. Once forgiven, offenses go, and all their emotional baggage is taken with them. Peace is then welcome to move in the head space that offense once held captive.
Intentional Thoughts
You are the store owner of this space. What you allow to stay in your head space directly affects the quality of your life and those around you. Proverbs 23:7a (KJV) states, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Bad head space tenants can rob you of living in the moment. Being physically present doesn’t always include being mentally or emotionally present. The mind can be traveling miles away in emotional thought. Possibly listening to that broken record player in the past or even worrying over the future.
Be intentional to keep the Word of God in front of your eyes and in your ears continually. The Word of God is the best tenant you will ever have. Let God’s Word act as a security helmet for your head space. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee” Isaiah 26:3 (KJV). Psalm 12:6 (KJV) says, “The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times.”
Passionate Goals
Passionate goals are pursued with much prayer, thought, and planning. These are welcome boarders worthy to have in your life. They are excellent leaseholders to have. Write down those passionate goals with scriptures and a plan to achieve them. Pray about them daily. Journal each step along the way notating successful or not so successful steps. Think on the reasons why you are passionate about that particular goal. Remind yourself of those reasons if the temptation to quit comes along. Stay passionate and focused and soon your goals will become a reality. Prayer, passionate goals, and planning are great head space tenants.
Decluttering Your Head Space Conclusion
Choose wisely the tenants you allow to stay in your head space. Potential offense tenants will always come knocking. However, it is up to you to choose the tenants to lease to. One last piece of advice, get rid of that superbly broken record player before it drives you crazy. Instead, be intentional and take each thought captive unto the obedience of Christ. Gain control over the thoughts kept about your life in your head space. Don’t allow unruly tenants to stay. Evict them through forgiveness. Choose new productive and peaceful tenants to reside in your head space from now on. You will be blessed by it! I promise!