Florida State Park Hopping: Three Parks in One Day!

Have you ever just wanted to get away for the day? Maybe work has you scheduled to the max or there is little to no money to plan a trip with the holidays coming up. Regardless of the reason why you can’t, are you still feeling that wanderlust angst? Well, Continue Reading

7 Reasons To Forgive When It Isn’t Easy To Do

It was very difficult for me to forgive anyone before I became a Christian. I had several misconceptions about what forgiveness actually was. The peace I gained from being willing to learn about forgiveness and how to apply it is incredible. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke the following two inspirational Continue Reading

Sixteen Simple Steps To Ensure Your Husband Feels Appreciated!

How we treat each other under stress says a lot. Stressful conditions put a strain on our relationships, particularly the husband-wife bond. These sixteen ideas will help strengthen and maintain a healthy balance even when under stress. Actions always speak louder than words, especially when it comes to showing respect Continue Reading